Some parents have kids who seem to learn to read with no troubles. For others, it’s like pulling teeth to get your kids to look at books, let alone try to read themselves.If you’re worried about whether your child is on the right track, your concerns are natural.Chances are they’re on track with other kids

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Did you know that when your kids read, and read for fun, they actually improve their literary scores?But what child today would want to read for fun? With screens and tablets, it seems our children are more inclined to choose electronic entertainment.Mystery books, however, could solve this problem! Mystery books for kids are fantastic and offer

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What’s the deal with kids and screens?Earlier this year we held a virtual ‘Screen Zombie’ Summit where we interviewed 13 leading child development experts about how to raise happy, healthy kids in the digital age. We learned that not all screen time is created equal, but that it can negatively impact a child’s development if

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