Congratulations on joining the Screen Balance Challenge!

On behalf of myself and the entire Code Pineapple family, we want you to know how excited we are that you decided to join us.

What you should expect from us...

This 7-day Challenge is all about helping you take control of the screens in your life so your family can be less distracted, more present, and more connected. We're all about helping you get the absolute best results with your 21st century parenting.

So, here are 3 steps to make sure you're ready for the Challenge:

Download the Action Workbook

This workbook is pure gold! It's where you'll keep track of each day's actions plus there are relevant resources to help you along the way. Use the link below to download the challenge action workbook.

Join the Screen Balance Challenge Facebook Group

There you'll find your fellow challenge participants to connect with. It's much easier to take action when there's a community of people doing it with you! Use the link below to join the challenge facebook group.

Get a Quick Win

Turn off at least one notification on your phone. To turn off a notification (whether it's a news, social media, or email app), go to Settings > Notifications > Tap App > Toggle Off Allow Notifications.

Though this challenge is focused on bringing screen balance to the whole family (and especially the kids), it starts with YOU, the parent. When you model good screen habits and practice being present with your family, they'll be more likely to do the same.

If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to say 'Hi,' you can send a message to or post in the Challenge FB group.

Stay tuned and see you soon!

With love and pineapples,
Devin Cowick


Screen Balance Challenge Action Workbook

Screen Balance Challenge Action Workbook

Join the Challenge Facebook

Join the Challenge Facebook

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